Tuesday, October 18, 2011


First Epistle of Matthew on Sex
Chapter One
1. Matthew Adedoyin, called to be an Apostle of Sexology through the will of God to the people of the world who the destiny of their lives matters to them
2. Grace to you and peace from God and our lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins
3. That he may deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
4. I marvel at the way sex is being abused in our generation and our religious leaders tend to pretend as if it’s normal or normal
5. Be informed that God’s real purpose for sex was not pleasure but reproduction. The fact it was pleasurable offered the necessary incentive to undertake the activity
6. As an added feature, God gave men a reproductive organ with a mind if its own. One that did not always and necessarily obey the command from God.
7. If God says to the organ “Wait, take it easy, and Get to know him/her” especially when you meet a nice and cute girl or boy and there’s attraction, whether you like it or not the reproductive circuit also switched on and it sends really powerful signals.
8. However, God made us sexual being and it is normal to feel sexual urge, therefore, denying it can be disastrous
9. Be also reminded that we are wired differently, Men have high sexual urge than women, since women have more unwanted side effect, they tend to be cautious when they remember this
10. It has been concluded by scientists that women achieve most sexual satisfaction through stimulation of their brain not any other organ,
11. therefore, your greatest sex organ is your brain(mind) and not you penis or virginal
12. Pfizer’s, (the company behind Viagra) exhaustive research has led to the conclusion that men and women have a fundamentally different relationship between arousal and desire
13. The women’s arousal is triggered by a network of emotional, intellectual and relationship – based factors rather than the simple physical response required by a man,
14. while a man’s arousal almost led to a desire for sex
15. Men consistently get erections seeing a nude woman and want to have sex but with women, things depend on a myriad of factors – emotion, communication, mutual understanding
16. I can also say with every assurance that women has emotional libido, while men is visual in nature, that’s why the whole porn industry is geared towards men and the romance industry is geared towards women
17. Guys, do I still need to remind you that ladies/women need affection, understanding, emotion, protection, attention after which sex may follow but only in a marital environment?
18. Also, marriage should be between a man and a woman that was man God created Adam and Eve, and not Adam and Steve
19. Which means gayism, lesbianism, incest and other sexual perversions are sinful to God and can abort one’s destiny
20. Praise Fowowe, a senior sex preacher has define Sex as a covenant exchange between a man and a woman in a marriage environment for the purpose of unity and procreation
21. Do not believe that wrong saying which states that “Virginity is not dignity, it’s just lack of opportunity” I can authoritatively tell you that there’s no dignity, pride and virtue as your virginity
22. Therefore, it is not something to be ashamed of but to be proud and boastfully tell people that you are one
23. Sex is powerful but not impossible to control
24. And have you not been told in the greatest book of life that if you can’t control your spirit, you are like a city with broken walls which enemies can attack easily
25. Sexual sin kills according to 1 Corinthians 10:8 and it also shipwreck leaders as it was written in Proverbs 31:3
26. An article written by a friend Olumide Bisiriyu also confirmed that sexual sin is the reason for terrorism, He used the case of Abraham, Hagar and Ishmael as an example
27. Also be not deceived that not having sex kills because it does not. It keeps you safe and away from the fear of unwanted pregnancy, STDs etc
28. Finally my brethren, there’s more to love than sexual intercourse
29. Do not let me bore you with a whole lot of stories
30. I will keep praying for you, writing to you and reminding you about the danger in Sex before marriage. May the grace of our lord Jesus Christ remain and abide with you.

[For Olaoluwa Usman who advised me to write an Epistle on sex,
For Ayanfeoluwa Lawal, an astute abstinence advocate
And for my new friend Akinmusere Kemi who is so passionate about Sexual Purity. I saw the passion during our little discussion in Tolulope Olalekan’s car all the way from Elegushi down to Mushin on Sunday]

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